
The Master Program in Computer Science at the Federal University of São João del-Rei aims to provide the training of human resources capable of generating and disseminating knowledge through research and teaching projects in higher education institutions.

The program has the following specific objectives:

  • Foster the creation of a research core capable of developing research projects in Computer Science in the areas of Optimization and Computational Intelligence, Software Systems and Information, and High-Performance and Distributed Computing.
  • Provide technological, social, and economic advances in Computer Science, within the mesoregion of Vertentes, as well as at the national and international levels.
  • Enhance the qualification of human resources in the field of Computer Science, enabling them to hold strategic positions in industrial, governmental, and academic institutions.
  • Train professionals qualified for quality research and teaching in higher education (at the undergraduate or postgraduate level, Lato Sensu or Stricto Sensu) and technical fields, always encouraging their collaboration with national and international research groups.
  • Establish research projects in cooperation with different international, national, and mainly regional higher education and research institutions.

It is expected that the graduates will have a solid preparation to excel in research, development, and innovation in Computer Science. Graduates will be able to generate new knowledge, work in technical-scientific activities in technology-based companies, conduct scientific research projects, and engage in teaching activities, whether in Higher Education (undergraduate and postgraduate, Lato Sensu and Stricto Sensu), or in technical and vocational education, as well as being prepared to pursue a Ph.D. and continue their training as researchers in Computer Science.